tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2013

The house

Built in 1886, this house I live in is a beautiful traditional Queenslander :) So many small details, beautiful wooden floor, even curtains and the furniture matches the house perfectly. Well, if owner is an artist, what would you expect?

My room.
 Yes, of course we still have Christmas!

 Kitchen and about.

 Some details.

And this is how I decorate :) Perfect match? No, I just got new mirror and put this one out of the way.

3 kommenttia:

  1. kivoja tommosia yksityiskohtia tuola :D

  2. hei vähä kiva ku sulla on tää blogi! :)

  3. Kiitos :) Joo, paljon on hienoa, mut jätin kertomatta ne vanhan talon huonot puolet...esimerkiksi muurahaisia keittiössä :)
