sunnuntai 27. tammikuuta 2013

Happy Australia Day

Yes, I have said I like rain. But when it's been raining for 4 days, and more is coming, I'm not fond of it anymore. Hassu tyttö-feeling is long gone.

My first Australia Day was 100% humid. Expect of that, it was like any other rainy day, though I did meet some friendly new people. We were not celebrating or anything, might have if it hadn't been raining.
If I haven't told you yet, I really enjoy meeting people here, because Australian's are wonderful! I'm starting to appreciate small talk, it just comes so easily and naturally from them. I couldn't say it's hard to get along with Aussie people :) The whole culture is quite different than back home, right now I'm lovin' it.

The view from Mt Coot-tha in one rainy evening.

My good friend chose a good day for her wedding, though she didn't know it :) I ate my piece of wedding cake/ Australia Day cake watching my clock and counting, "They must have exhanged their vows by now". And because they say it brings you happiness if it rains on your wedding day, I'll send this rain to you with warmest congratulations and hugs. Wish I was there, but since I'm not, wish you a wonderful wedding day!


maanantai 21. tammikuuta 2013

"You can take the boy out of the country, if you can't take the country out of the boy."

On Saturday we went to Mt Tamborine, about an hour drive from here. The beautiful valley before the mountain, with horses everywhere, it made my heart wanting to be a country girl again.

And I saw kangaroos! Three of them. But my camera's battery died, so I couldn't get a photo.

I also saw couple of friends!

Tied together.

In the rain forest up there.
Someday I'll come back here...
Now I should go back out and stand in the rain some more.

torstai 17. tammikuuta 2013

Difference I got

This week I have:

* been cold first time here
* met other Finn people
* had an exciting day as a dentist assistant

I have also:

* missed my work in Helsinki
* seen some beautiful things
* seen some ugly things
* done what I best can do

Rest of the week I'm going to:

* work hard :)
* meet some other Finns
* find out what I'm doing in the future
* have fun!

tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2013

The house

Built in 1886, this house I live in is a beautiful traditional Queenslander :) So many small details, beautiful wooden floor, even curtains and the furniture matches the house perfectly. Well, if owner is an artist, what would you expect?

My room.
 Yes, of course we still have Christmas!

 Kitchen and about.

 Some details.

And this is how I decorate :) Perfect match? No, I just got new mirror and put this one out of the way.

maanantai 14. tammikuuta 2013

Two weeks later

I finally decided to start writing my own blog, because idea has been in my mind since I got here two weeks ago. And because it's easy to load photos here, so that people back home can see my paradise!

Jungle and paradise are pretty much the same thing, right?

This blog is also good for me to practice my English. But I don't say I won't be writing in Finnish too, when it gets too hard to use English. :)

My first week here:

- the beach, the sea, jet lag
- rain forest, cold water, waves, jet lag
- sand, more water, more sand, jet lag
- It's a holiday!

Second week:

- exploring the city

- love it!

- though it's a bit hot

Enjoying my time here!