perjantai 22. maaliskuuta 2013

Outnumbered by them

First time in my life I'm living in a place where I'm the only girl here. At my home there were almost always more girls than boys present.
There was another girl here, but she left week after I came. And I have been here outnumbered by the guys ever since.
These guys are really nice, but sometimes it just feels like the house is FULL of them. Especially when you wake up 8am Saturday morning, because someone in the living room just put music on loud and continues having fun.
Sometimes it feels like would be nice to have a chat with a roommate in same gender. Just because she's a girl. She would understand.
But then it's mostly just nice, like when boys have friends coming over and they teach me aussie slang and so on.
Yes, I still like it here :)
And it's really great to have these quiet evenings as well, all house by myself!

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